

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009


IBRAHIM BAPAK nation of mankind
by Ja'far Subhani, pp. 50 - 69

WHY TO ANY cult Being

The factors that cause people worship
to the creation and the demand is ketidaktahuannya
is absolutely natural that in itself is in general
believe there is a cause for every phenomenon.
On the one hand, the men, who by nature be natural,
felt need to find refuge in a place, in the
pewenang a strong system that is capable of creating a
This unique. However, on the other hand, when he intends
way through this without the guidance of the prophets-the
Divine and has been appointed to ensure the completeness
human-spiritual journey he seek refuge in
beings-not a soul, animals, or fellow
man before he can achieve that objective
indeed, that is, God is One, and get
track-trace him with the signs of creation
and seek refuge in him. Therefore, he
imagine that this is the object sought-carinya.
Seeing this, the scientists acknowledge, after the
the Book of God and how propaganda was
to men by the prophets and their arguments,
that the goal of the prophets is not to convince
man of the creator of the universe.
Indeed, their role is a fundamental
free man and clutch syirik (polytheism)
and idolatry. In other words, they
come to say to people, "O people!
God that we all believe in the existence of his akan
is this, is not it. He was single, not berbilang. Do not
provide status to the creatures of God. Accept God
as is Esa. Do not receive a partner or associate is
even for Him. "

The sentence "there is no god but Allah," to prove what
that we say above. This is the first point dakwah
Prophet Muhammad. The purpose is this sentence, there is no
should be something other than God, and this
means that the Creator has the facts
recognized, so that people can be invited to
kemaha-esaan receive Him. This sentence indicates
that in the era of the human eye, the part of the first -
Lord of the universe-not a thing
dipertengkarkan need. Besides, the study of the
Qur'ani stories and conversation with the prophets
people zamannya clarify the issue.

[Note foot: But, how they construct
about idols? Are they worth memandangnya
worshiped and to be the only mediator, or
they think that they also have
power such as God? This issue is outside
discussion we are now, even though the view that the first
strong and evident.]

THE birth of Prophet IBRAHIM

Tauhid Jawara was born in this dark environment
idolatry and worship of men. Human
subjected the humility to idols made
with their own hands, or to the stars.
In this situation, it is the position
Ibrahim and menyukseskan business is patience and

Place of birth of this nation is the bearer
Babylonians. The historian has stated that the country
as one of the seven wonders of the world. They
has recorded a lot of history about the greatness and
intensity of the region. Greek historian
celebrated, Herodotus (483-425 BC), wrote, "Babylonians
built in a square-length of each
side 480 km (120 league), so kelilingnya 1920
km. This statement, however be exaggerated,
to reveal the reality that non-terbantah when
read together with other writings.

However, from the landscape to be interesting and
palace-istananya high, no longer can
views now than clay hill, between the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which covered kebungkaman
death. Kebungkaman is sometimes solved by
orientalis who do the digging for
get information about the Babilonia.

Prophet Abraham, the pioneer nation, was born in the period
Kan'an government Namrud son. Although Namrud
worship idols, he also confessed as god
(god). By using a simple ignorance of the people
believe it to impose their faith.

May seem a bit odd that a penyembah
idols of the gods as well confess. However, Al-Qur'an
gives us another example of a
this belief. When the power of Moses
Fir'aun logikanya with a strong and reveals the
kebohongannya in a general meeting, the
support Fir'aun said to him, "Are you
let Moses and his people to make mischief in the land
This (Egypt) and leave you and your gods? "
(QS, Surah al-A'raf, 7:127). That has been stellar
Fir'aun confess as a god and a normal call,
"I am your Lord is the highest." However, this paragraph
show that he was also a pagan.

The biggest support came from Namrud
the astrolog and penenung which is seen as
smart people in those times. Their loyalty is
opened the way for people to take advantage of the Namrud
oppressed and the stupid. In addition, some
Ibrahim family, for example, make idols of Azar and
also understand Astrology, including the pursuer Namrud. This
it is a big hindrance for Abraham,
because in addition to the need to fight against the belief
general, he must also face the resistance
their own.

Namrud was to precipitate self-belief in the sea
takhayul. He has spread carpets for the party
and drinking when the blast astrolog
The first bell danger while saying, "Government
You will fall down through a son of this country. "
Latent fear Namrud rise. He asked, "Is he
have been born or not? "They said that astrolog
that he has not been born. He then ordered that
held the separation between women and men-in
that night, according to the prediction astrolog, pregnancy
mautnya enemy is going to happen. Nevertheless, the
algojonya kill the children of men. Midwives
ordered to report the details of
children who are newborn to a special office.

On that night also said the pregnancy occurred. His mother
pregnant and, as the mother of Moses, son of 'Imran, he
keep the pregnancy. After birth, he
save one to a cave which is located near the
the city, to protect the life of her son tersayang. He
leave their children in a corner of the cave, and
mengunjunginya in the afternoon or evening, depending on
situation. With the passing of time, Namrud feel safe.
He believed that the enemy of the throne and the government has

He was thirteen years of life in
a cave with a narrow alley entrance, before
his mother took him out. When appearing in the middle
community, the supporters felt that he Namrud people
foreign. Against it, his mother said, "This child
me. He was born before the prediction astrolog. "(Tafsir
al-Burhan, I, h. 535).

When out of the cave, said to strengthen confidence
batinnya in the nation with the earth and sky,
the stars are shining, and the trees that
green. He saw a strange society. See
a group of people who treat ray stars
with very moronic. He also saw some people
with the level of intellect even lower.
They make idols with their own hands, and then
menyembahnya. The worst of all is that
a man, by taking advantage of not
proper operation of the ignorance and stupidity of the people, confess
as god and they declare themselves as
giver of life to all beings and all penakdir

Prophet Abraham was prepared to be
fight against the three groups is different.

IBRAHIM Luck against idolatry

Darkness idolatry has included all
Babylonians, place of birth of the Prophet Abraham, the God of Many
and the sky was the right wrench menalar and think
from various sections of the community. Some looked
the gods have their own powers, which are
other treats them as intermediaries to
obtain favors from God the Almighty.

SECRET polytheism

The Arabs before Islam came to believe that every
and every creature surely have cause symptoms
withdrawn, and that God is One is not able
created everything. At that time, science
indeed not to find the relationship between creature and
natural phenomena and the various events. As
result, the people imagine that all
organism and the various natural phenomena stand
its own and no relation to one another.
Therefore, they assume that for every
phenomena such as rain and snow, earthquakes and
death, famine and tribulation, the peace and
ketentraman, cruelty and bloodshed, and
etc., have each of his Lord. They do not
realize that the entire universe is a
unity, in which part of it and related
Each of them have any effect reciprocal request.

The primitive human mind is not yet know
secret to worship Allah, the One and not
realize that the God of the universe
God is omniscient and the Almighty, the Creator of the
free from all defects and weaknesses. Power,
perfection, knowledge, and there is no discretion
boundary. He was above all things that dianggapkan
Him. There is no perfection that he does not have.
There is no possibility that can not be created him. He
God is the One who is able to create all
beings and phenomena without the help and support to
pun. He can create another creature in a way that
He created the same as beings who
have now.

Therefore, the nalar, the interposition of a
authority may reduce the autonomy of the will
God who does not share, can not be accepted.
Belief that the universe has two creators,
which one is the source of goodness and light are
that one is a source of crime and
darkness, is also not acceptable. Belief that
no intervention by someone, such as Mary and
'Jesus, in the case of the creation of the universe, or that
framework of the physical world has been on dikuasakan
a man, and is a manifestation syirik
kelebih one. The nation, with respect
to the rights of the prophets and holy people,
maintain confidence in the Creator of Hosts, and
His menyekutukan not with others.

Method used the prophets to give lessons
and claims to human logic and the method is
reasoning, because they deal with the mind
humans. They were eager to establish a government
is based on faith, knowledge, and justice,
and such a government can not be established
through violence, war, and bloodshed.
Therefore, we must distinguish the
the prophets with the government Fir'aun and Namrud.
The objective of this second group is safe
power and their government in any way
that may, even after the collapse of akan
they die. Conversely, those sacred meaning
establish a government to bring in maslahat
individual and society, whether the ruler or a strong
weak at a certain time, while he was alive
and after he died. Such a goal is of course
can not be achieved by force and pressure.

Abraham's first fight against the belief
relatives who worship idols, in which Azar
is pentolannya. Before achieving success
fully in this field, he must fight on
other field operations. Extent that the group thought
This second bit higher and more clearly from the
first. Contrary to the religion of the family of Abraham,
they have been cast worldly beings who
contemptible and not worthy, and worshipful stars in the sky.
When the stars against the cult, he says
with the simple words of a number of philosophical truth
scientific and not understood by people in the era of
that, even now cause any argument
admiration of the graduates of the very logic of art
and debate. Above all this, Al-Qur'an have also been
cite arguments of Abraham, and we get
mengutipnya to honor with a brief description.

To be able to lead people, a night of Abraham
to stare at the sky at sundown and
hold it down to awake again in the days
next. During this 24-hour debate, and he
discussions with three groups, and blame
trust them with the argument-argument is strong.

Night near darkness and hide all
signs of life. Venus bright stars that appear
from a corner of the firmament. To conquer the
Venus worshiper, Ibrahim adapt with them
and following the line while their mind says,
"That is pemeliharaku." However, when the stars
sink and disappear in a corner, he said,
"I can not accept that God drowned." With
penalarannya a natural, he rejected the belief in the
Venus and the devotee kebatilannya.

At the next stage, the roundabout is to the eyes
hours of light with the luminous beauty of
spectacular. With the purpose conquer devotee months,
the material as if it took months of Lords,
but then he merontokkan with the belief that
logikanya strong. Thus, when the Almighty
immerse the month behind the horizon, and light
and the beauty disappeared from the face of the earth, so without
offend the devotee that month, he
said, "If the Lord does not indeed
guide me, you bet I lost, because God is
disappear as stars and are subject to an order
and that the system established by a
others. "

Darkness ended the night and the sun was appearing,
open the horizon, and to spread the rays keemasannya
face of the earth. The sun worshiper turn face
them to the Lord. To obey the rules
debate, he also recognizes the brazen
divine sun. However, sundown
reinforces that he is subject to a system of natural
of the public, and he openly
reject it as a worthy worship. (see QS,
al-An'am, 6:75-79)

There is no doubt that when living in a cave, through the
divine gift of extremes, get him
from the unseen source of knowledge about the inner nation,
which is the specificity of the prophets. However, after
observe and assess the things of heaven, he also
provide arguments in the form of that knowledge.
Thus, in addition to showing the way
true to the people and give them
means of guidance, he has left
invaluable knowledge for use by
Those who mencan of truth and reality.

(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

by Ja'far Subhani, pp. 50 - 69
Book title: AR-tract
Life History of Prophet SAW
